Sunday, February 2, 2014


I'm at a VERY strange place in life. I'm SURE I'm not the only one here, or I'd like to think I'm not, but its strange to me at the very least. We'll call it intermission... and maybe this whole blog will be defining FROM WHAT? You see I'm 31... when I was 30 I was "happily married" to my best friend and college sweet heart. Sure life wasn't perfect, but I would NEVER have described it as bad. It was, at it's worst, stagnant, but thats what happens after 6.5 years of marriage and a 12 + year relationship right? What doesn't happen, what shouldn't happen, is your husband, your very best friend, and the person you trusted the most in the world DOESN'T just leave on your 31st birthday... That doesn't happen does it? (#hesashit)

Yes, yes it does. And it SUCKS. It shook my entire world. But you know what, I survived. I'm happy and I'm figuring out what this whole intermission is all about. Sure, I'm not doing it alone. It turns out a have a GREAT group of friends who were just waiting for me to need them. And my lawyer recommended an excellent counselor and my wonderful sister flew from Texas to Delaware on ZERO notice to make sure I didn't celebrate my birthday alone... and she's been there EVERY day since. Turns out my brother married a pretty awesome friend too. I could take him or leave him ;) but I'm keeping his wife.

And now, in the wake of all this crazy I've moved from the suburbs in Delaware to the heart of Philadelphia. I think I'm starting to do what MOST people do in their twenties... just in my thirties. On any given day, I may find myself on a date(??) at a night club or at the orchestra with friends. I don't feel young, but I'm certainly NOT old... I've lived a very old life and maybe skipped my young life and now I'm trying to sort through all this with a strong back note of heartache and anger ( I'm sure we'll get to the anger). But at the end of the day,  my separation, my (acting like an idiot) husband, and what will soon be my divorce don't define me.  But the things that have happened since my 31st birthday basically having my shaking my head... a little bit confused... a lot a bit having fun, and well a little bit embarrassed (but we'll get to that later).
